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China Unicom Announces Public Recruitment of Butterfly Cables Covering Various Models
China Unicom Announces Public Recruitment of Butterfly Cables Covering Various Models
China Unicom Announces Public Recruitment of Butterfly Cables Covering Various Models

8/27/2018, August 26, China Unicom announced the open recruitment of butterfly-shaped optical cable, the announcement shows that China United Network Communications Co., Ltd. is relying on the electronic mall to actively explore the procurement, order, logistics of engineering, services and materials. , warehousing, and reinvestment “full life cycle operation mode, guarantee the company's independent choice of products, and intend to openly recruit suppliers of butterfly fiber optic cable products. Suppliers and products that meet the requirements will be put on the “open market” of the electronic mall. The company independently implemented procurement within the scope of the products on the electronic mall. Recruitment number: TC190P8P8-1.

The specific models of China Unicom's recruitment of butterfly cable are shown in the following table:

The project has the following qualification requirements for applicants:

1. Relevant commodities passed the technical test organized by China Unicom Group Corporation in 2017 (inclusive);
2. Have after-sales service capability;
3. Blacklist suppliers not included in the “China Unicom Supplier Blacklist Management Measures (Trial)” (within the ban period);
4, domestic brands do not accept agents, imported brands can accept agents, but only allow the original agent authorized by the original factory to enter the open market.