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Focus on 2019 Singapore Communications Exhibition: a gathering of Asian companies
Focus on 2019 Singapore Communications Exhibition: a gathering of Asian companies
6/25/2019, at this Asia-Pacific Communication Exhibition in Singapore, there was a young man in Indonesian national costume on the booth of Changfei Company who was trying to attract the attention of passers-by in the local language. Indonesia, with a population of nearly 300 million, is undoubtedly a market with great potential. In recent years, it has attracted many companies such as Changfei to settle down. If we look further at the entire ASEAN 10 market, this place as the world's closest culture, customs and China's closest place will undoubtedly become the first stop for Chinese companies to explore overseas markets, just as Zheng He's voyages to the West more than 600 years ago. It’s the same here first.

   When I come to Singapore to participate in this exhibition, the biggest hope of the editor is to see more optical communication companies in neighboring countries in Asia. However, the strength of Chinese enterprises is higher, after all, the three giants in the field of fiber optic cable are flying, Zhongtian and Hengtong, listed companies in the wiring field, Tianyi Kanghe, Huamai, Kexin, and a large number of Chinese companies. When I arrived in Singapore, I accounted for almost 70% of the exhibition area. Fiber-optic online member companies Xin Yisheng, Yi Feiyang, Tongyu, Yongding, Special Hair, Xundakang, Jianbo, Tongqi, Jiawan, Tengtian, etc. also appeared. Among these companies are frequent visitors to the Singapore show, and there are also companies that have been in the business for a year or two. Some of them have long been rooted in Southeast Asia, and some are still coming, but they all regard Southeast Asia as a market full of hope.

   Among the Chinese companies participating in this Singapore exhibition, there are many cables and wiring companies in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and other small optical equipment companies such as Guilin's research and development, Jiujiang's landscape, Shanghai's Boda, Shenzhen's sea. Shuo also participated in the exhibition. Mr. Wang Jiawen of Shanshui told the editor that they did not know that their name must be that the editor was not familiar with the procurement market of domestic telecom operators. Indeed, the editor knows almost all of the competitors of the equipment company that was founded in 1998, but has neglected the company. Being able to meet in Singapore is also a fate. In any case, the participation of these cables, wiring, and equipment companies also indicates that the positioning of the new exhibition is still in the primary market of operators. Of course, this is only from the perspective of optical communication. There are still many antenna companies and satellite communication equipment companies at this exhibition.

   In addition to Chinese manufacturers, there are quite a few Korean optical communication manufacturers. To the surprise of the editor, Wooriro brought not only passive chips, but also full-line active chips, and they told the editors that they had active chips very early. The fiber optic cable of Telvina, a subsidiary of Vietnam Post and Telecommunications, is also very attractive in the B1 floor area of ​​POSTEF. This shows that Vietnam's optical communications market is starting, and the future is expected.

   This Singapore Communications Exhibition has few highlights in terms of new technologies. It is worth mentioning that a 4Cube company in Singapore exhibited an optical wiring system with a robot. The camera is not allowed to take pictures at the scene. Only the robot can move up and down the rack. This is not very good for the wiring system. New ideas, but still worthy of appreciation. iBwave from Canada was originally a wireless network planning company. They launched a fiber optic indoor planning software product a year ago and brought it to the show. I really hope that fiber cabling can have a bigger market.