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Google added 1 billion euros to expand Google data center in the Netherlands
Google added 1 billion euros to expand Google data center in the Netherlands
According to Bloomberg News, Google announced today that it will invest 1 billion euros (about 11 US dollars) to expand its data center infrastructure in the Netherlands. Google said it will build a new Google data center in the Agriport area about 30 miles north of Amsterdam. At the same time, Google will expand its current data center in Eemshaven.

   In this regard, Joe Kava, vice president of Google's global data center division, said in a statement that the Netherlands is attractive in this area with sufficient sustainable energy.

   Currently, technology companies must consider renewable energy issues when selecting the location of their data centers to reduce their dependence on fossil fuels. With a wealth of wind and hydropower resources, as well as a cool climate that contributes to air conditioning, the Netherlands has become the preferred destination.

   In 2018, Google announced that it had invested 1.5 billion euros in its Dutch data center business. Together with the 1 billion euros announced today, Google's investment in the field in the Netherlands has reached 2.5 billion euros.