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Heavy! China Unicom and China Telecom jointly build a 5G access network
Heavy! China Unicom and China Telecom jointly build a 5G access network
Heavy! China Unicom and China Telecom jointly build a 5G access network

On September 9, China Unicom issued a notice saying that it signed a "5G Network Co-construction and Sharing Framework Cooperation Agreement" with China Telecom.

According to the cooperation agreement, China Unicom will cooperate with China Telecom to build a 5G access network nationwide. The two sides will demarcate the regional and regional construction, and each is responsible for the work related to the 5G network construction in the designated area. Who will build and who? Investment, who maintains, and who bears the cost of network operations.

The 5G network co-construction and sharing adopts the access network sharing mode, the core network is constructed separately, and the 5G frequency resources are shared. The two parties jointly ensure that the network planning, construction, maintenance and service standards of the 5G network co-construction and sharing area are unified to ensure the same level of service. The mutual cooperation and sharing between the two parties and the third party's network cannot improperly harm the interests of the other party. The ownership of both parties remains unchanged, and the brand and business operations remain independent.

In the network construction area, the two sides will build 5G networks in 15 urban districts (mainly based on the total scale of 4G base stations (including room divisions), 5 cities in Beijing, Tianjin, Zhengzhou, Qingdao and Shijiazhuang, China Unicom and China Telecom The proportion of construction area is 6:4; 10 cities in Shanghai, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Suzhou, Changsha, Wuhan and Chengdu, the ratio of China Unicom to China Telecom construction area is 4:6).

China Unicom will independently construct 9 cities in Guangdong Province, 5 cities in Zhejiang Province and 8 provinces in the north (Hebei, Henan, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Inner Mongolia, Shandong, Shanxi); China Telecom will Independently constructed 10 cities in Guangdong Province, 5 cities in Zhejiang Province, and 17 southern provinces outside the aforementioned regions.

The two sides will uphold the principle of maximizing the benefits of joint construction and sharing, facilitating sustainable cooperation, and not using settlement as a means of profitability. They will adhere to fair and fair market settlement and formulate reasonable and streamlined settlement methods.

China Unicom believes that the joint cooperation and cooperation with China Telecom on 5G networks, especially the continuous 5G frequency sharing between the two parties, will help reduce the 5G network construction and operation and maintenance costs, effectively realize 5G network coverage, rapidly form 5G service capabilities, and enhance 5G. The market competitiveness of networks and services will improve network efficiency and asset operation efficiency, and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results.