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MediaTek will supply low-end MediaTek 5G chips to Huawei
MediaTek will supply low-end MediaTek 5G chips to Huawei
MediaTek will supply low-end MediaTek 5G chips to Huawei

Prior to this, Huawei founder Ren Zhengfei mentioned in the interview that Huawei purchased 50 million Qualcomm chips last year. As long as the US is still willing to sell, Huawei will not stop purchasing from the United States. However, for reasons that are well known, Huawei's supply chain has been reducing its reliance on the United States. Recently, it has been reported that MediaTek will supply Huawei with low-end 5G chips in the future. The significance is not clear.

According to reports, MediaTek is progressing smoothly on 5G chips. In addition to orders from OPPO and vivo, it is also reported that MediaTek has also entered Huawei's supply chain. It is expected to supply 5G chips to Huawei in 2020. In the low-end 5G mobile phone.

In addition, since demand is better than expected, MediaTek is now beginning to add orders for TSMC chips. It is expected that orders for Q1 will reach 12,000 wafers in 2020, mainly producing chips codenamed MT6885 and MediaTek's first 5G chips.

In order to ensure more sufficient capacity, the news that MediaTek CEO Cai Lixing will personally go to TSMC this week, hoping to increase the wafer production capacity to 20,000.

MediaTek's first 5G chip adopts 7nm process, which is expected to enter the ES engineering sample stage in September, and will be launched in small batches in Q4 quarter. It will accelerate production capacity in Q1 next year, because the two customers hope to get 5G orders in Q1 2020, and one of them. Customers also hope to pull the goods ahead of time, which is earlier than expected, so they will promote Cai Lixing to pay more attention to TSMC to increase production capacity.